1.  Click ‘Run Game’ to launch the game
  2.  Once the main menu loads, click ‘Start’ to begin playing
  3.  Controls: 
    • 'A' or Left Arrow Key: Move Left
    • 'D' or Right Arrow Key: Move Right
    • Space : Jump
    • Hold Shift + Space : Double Jump

     4.  Make your way past hopping platform to platform! At the start of each level (can             be noticed by the change in platform color), there will be a checkpoint. If you fall             off the edge at any point, you will be respawned at the last checkpoint. 


  • You do not need to press any button to move forward, the egg will keep running!
  • Watch the seven bars on the bottom left of your screen. If all bars are fully visible, then your double jump is available! Once you utilize your double jump, there is a six second cooldown before you can use it again.